United in the Community

United in the Community

UITC Photography Policy / Guidelines

United In The Community (UITC) is very grateful to the volunteer photographers who take photographs both at functions and at games. To ensure safeguarding remains paramount the Trustees have produced the following guidelines and ask all those taking photographs/videos (including parents) to follow them.

This policy is based on the FA Guidelines document Photography Guidelines.

Potential risks
The FA has developed the guidance to help avoid the following:


  1. Share The FA’s guidance on taking images with all parents, carers and members when they join the club.
  2. Ensure the club has parental consent to use a player’s image if it is to be used in the public domain e.g. club website or newspaper article. This is essential in relation to point 3 below.
  3. Ensure that any child in your club who is under care proceedings, is protected by ensuring that their image is not placed in the public domain. This can be done by using a Consent Form, so that parents/carers can identify whether this applies to children in their care. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform us of any changes in circumstances relating to U18s players following signing the original consent form with regards to publishing future images on any media platform or publication. 
  4. Focus on the activity rather than the individual.
  5. Ensure all those featured are appropriately dressed (a minimum of vest or shirt and shorts).
  6. Aim to take pictures which represent the broad range of youngsters participating safely in football e.g. boys and girls, disabled people, ethnic minority communities.

Filming as a coaching aid. The FA advises that coaches using videoing as a legitimate coaching aid should make parents/carers and players aware that this will be part of the coaching programme. Care should be taken when storing the videos.


  1. Publish photographs with the full name(s) of the individual(s) featured unless you have written consent to do so and you have informed the parents as to how the image will be used
  2. Use player profiles with detailed personal information on websites
  3. Use an image for something other than that which it was initially agreed, e.g. published in local press when initially produced for a clubhouse commemorative picture
  4. Allow images to be recorded in changing rooms, showers or toilets – this includes the use of mobile phones that record images.

UITC Guidelines for matches/events
UITC asks for permission from all its players/parents/participants as part of the event. Teams that we play may not do so, it cannot be assumed that consent has been automatically given.

The land or facility owner can decide whether or not photography and or videoing at football activities will be permitted when carried out on private land. If you do not comply then you may be asked to leave.

Care must be taken when captioning photographs. Captions should be concise and accurate, jokey style captions are open to misinterpretation and must be avoided.

Where it has been requested that photos are not taken of individuals or teams this must be adhered to strictly and in complete confidence.

UITC asks that to ensure the above is adhered to, all photographs/videos are sent to the Media Volunteer who will arrange publication, on this website and/or official Twitter and Facebook accounts. No photographs are to be published on individual social media sites without express permission from Trustees. Should a photographer wish to put photographs on a commercial site for profit, agreement must be sought from the Trustees before doing so.

UITC benefits from profile raising media publicity on many levels. It is however essential that safeguarding and confidentiality are maintained. By following this policy, the Trustees are able to demonstrate the balance required in publicity and keeping our players safe.

This policy was reviewed / approved by trustees on 04/01/2022. This policy will be reviewed every two years as part of UITC wider policy / procedure review. Should there be changes in relevant legislation it may need to be reviewed earlier.

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Trustees - Russell Cheasley (Chair), Caroline Preedy, Chris Oleksy

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by Hereford Web Design